The Davis Family

The Davis Family

Monday, November 11, 2013

Our little Lucy Lu

I have been wanting to write this blog since Lucy’s birthday.  Here is why I haven’t…


See all of those missing keys?  My sweet, darling, precious, angelic little Lucy thinks it is fun to pop off the keys on our laptop keyboard.  It makes blogging difficult… but now I have a perfect example of why Lucy got the nickname “Hurricane Baby Destruction”. 

In 2010 I suffered a miscarriage.  I lost what I believed was a baby girl at 11 weeks pregnant.  The night I got home from the hospital I held Jack and smelled his head and thanked the Lord.  I read a new story that I had just bought with Jack.  It was called “I know Jesus Loves Me” by P K Hallinan.  In one section of the book it says “He heals my sad feelings, He answers my prayers.” On the page that says “He answers my prayers” there is a picture of a mom in a hospital bed with a new baby.  Her older child is holding a balloon that says “It’s a girl.” At that moment I was overcome with an overwhelming sense of peace.  I knew there was a baby girl in my future.  I’m pretty sure I cried myself to sleep that night, but I felt at peace just the same.

Two months later there was a positive pregnancy test.  And the following August we got our sweet little Lucy.  I love old fashioned names, and as a Beatles fan I always loved the name Lucy.  Lucy’s middle name is after my mom.  Since mom has retired and gets to spend so much quality time with my children I felt like she has a special connection to my kids.  I wanted to honor her by naming Lucy after her. So, Lucy Maria joined our family in August 2011. 

Lucy is full of personality.  She is funny and fearless and maternal.  Without prompting from us she began picking up Jack’s action figures at a very young age and hugging them and shushing them.  We realized this girl needed some dolls!  She loves carrying purses and wearing costume jewelry.  She is a girly girl and insists on wearing certain accessories, such as fuzzy slippers, boots, beads, and sunglasses. Although she has this girly side, she is sturdy, strong, and isn’t afraid of much.  She dives into the pool with a grin on her face. She loves rides and going down big slides.  She can be sweet and cuddly… and she can be stubborn and pouty.  More than anything, she loves people.  She is very attached to her grandparents, aunts, uncles, parents and brother.  She lights up when any of her loved ones enter the room.  And we light up when we see her.

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My prayer for Lucy is that she will grow to be self confident, faithful, friendly, and happy.  She brings so much joy to our family.  I am thankful everyday.